Last chance to get your bib!

My first 10k

It’s your first 10k? Your first race? You certainly have question! It’s time to discover all you need to know about adidas 10k Paris.

It’s race day! You must wear your bib corresponding to your starting SAS. This bib has a chip that times you during your race. This chip will give you your official timing and splits when your race will be over.

Please note that your bib should be worn in the front and on the chest and be well visible.

Your race starts here! To know everything about your bib pick up, stay tuned, we’ll communicate info later.

Since 2024, medical certificate is being replaced step by step. Now, you must fill in Health Prevention Course (HPC). How does HPC work? It’s very simple! Go to this website.

During this online class, you’ll be informed about :

  • The risky situations : unusal feelings, precaution regarding the age, the bad habits that impact the health…
  • The need to check your doctor in case of identified health risk
  • The importance of being trained to life saving gestures
  • The access of a documentary basis about health good practices  

If your HPC is validated, you’ll be able to edit your HPC certificate in PDF format and upload it on your time to account.

This certificate lasts 3 months, you’ll be able to fill in 3 months before the race. This document must be uploaded on your time to account (check the last tab).

 Left luggage zones will be available before, during and after your race. You could be able to drop off your bag (45x36x20cm maximum size). After your race, you’ll be able to pick up your belongings.

Celebrate your performance with your medal! While your race is over, our volunteers will put around your neck a beautiful medal. Wear it proudly!

 Eat well and drink well! Lets’ meet at the refuelling stations on the route to stay well hydrated all along the way. At the end of the race, you’ll find a full refuelling station (with water, dry fruits, gingerbread, pound cake). It’s time to regain your strength!

To have the best possible experience, you’ll access a departure SAS corresponding to your timing goal. You’ll run with other people who have the same running pace as you! Each departure SAS has a color indicated on the bib.

We’ll communicate the schedule later.

Whatever your goal is, performance or enjoy yourself, you’ll have your official timing at the end of your race. You’ll find it directly on the results section of the website.

Be aware that you must finish the race in less than 1h30 to be considered as a finisher. After that, the sweeper car will overtake you and you’ll have to finish the route by using pedestrians zones.

You don’t know how to dress to run the adidas 10k Paris? That’s a good timing! When you’ll pick up your bib, you’ll also pick up the official tshirt of the race. Wear it with all your style, your friends will turn jealous!

After running, time to enjoy yourself! Come celebrate your performance on the race village. Just for you: food trucks, activities, chill zone, concerts, stretching and many more!

Let’s meet in 2025 for another great party!